Thank you Gourab for giving such a vivid description of a beautiful moment ....

I always wonder, what is the purpose of photography- art or documentation! Or may we say it is the art of documenting? I remember a cloudy afternoon in Jadavpur. I was returning from the University. It used to be a long walk from our Department near Gate No 4 to the Railway Station. When I was passing by the playground, I saw dark clouds stooping over the green. A regular sight during monsoon, yet so beautiful. Suddenly I discovered an open umbrella. Besides the playground. Black. Leaning against the cloudy backdrop. Someone might have kept it there to dry it up. Or maybe some other reason. However, it created a photographic frame. Too mesmerizing to overlook. It was a time when people did not have cameras on their mobile phones. You don't have anything to capture the moment. The only thing you can do is store that in your memory and wait for a deja vu to happen. But, you know, these are fleeting moments. They don't come back. -- Gourab Chattopadhyay
Do you have such vivid stories to tell? Please share with us. We'd love to share...
for a moment I thought this was the photo the writer is describing but after reading it I could literally visualize the moment...😊