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Sep 19, 20212 min read
A colorful Green Gram Salad - Snack or a Side dish?
Jump to Recipe When it comes to green grams or Mung beans, Indians can proudly claim its origin in India. It is also called the 'Golden...

Sep 12, 20212 min read
Coriander Fritters (Dhone Patar Bora)
Jump to recipe.. Every morning as we (K and myself) have our morning cuppa on our balcony, the mobile vendors (some carrying dairy...

Sep 6, 20215 min read
Ikigai in enjoying 'Tamago Sando' (The Japanese Egg Sandwich)
Recipe Below.. I have seen my mother waking up early every day and going about her household chores in about the same systematic manner...

Aug 19, 20213 min read
Moments in time...
Photographs are a visual treat of stances, of times, of moments that may never be seen again or may not happen again. They are beautiful...

Aug 17, 20213 min read
Dry Banana Malpoa/Deep Fried Banana Pancakes
Recipe Below.. Whenever I hear or think of 'Malpoa', I am reminded of the very popular 'Bangal' catchphrase 'Mashima Malpo Khamu' (Aunt,...

Aug 15, 20218 min read
UN's 'code red' for humanity: What we need to know..
What it means for the world.. Can we still harbour hope? Climate change is already here; it is evident throughout the world through the...

Aug 8, 20215 min read
Living Alone - The lessons you learn
Last week as I was cleaning an old trunk, I came across a letter from my father sent to me long back, just after I had joined my first...

Aug 3, 20214 min read
Puja Barshiki - The harbinger of Durga Puja
Last week as we were going through the newspaper over our morning cuppa, K drew my attention to an advertisement in one of the dailies...

Jul 31, 20213 min read
The Stories of the Forgotten and Ignored Women of Medicine that are an Inspiration
I just completed reading the book Lady Doctors-The Untold Stories of India's First Women in Medicine by Kavitha Rao and it made me think...

Jul 26, 20213 min read
The Tea Stories
Tea has been a staple drink in our household both in the morning and evening for as long as I remember. 'Eta chotoder khaoar jinish noi'...

Jul 20, 202111 min read
Fast Fashion and the Environment: The Denim Story
[Since this is a long article, I've provided links to relevant section so that the readers may move to the relevant sections with ease.]...

Jul 16, 20213 min read
Pav (Chickpea) Bhaji
(Scroll below for the recipe) Wars and food have always had a certain correlation-direct or indirect. Wars have been fought over salt,...

Jul 11, 20212 min read
Chickpea Flour (Besan) Crepe with a piquant Tomato Chutney
How about some Chickpea flour (besan) crepes with sweet and spicy tomato chutney for Sunday morning breakfast? When I was younger, I...

Jul 9, 20212 min read
The 'Greenlifter'
(Shoplifter - a person who takes goods from a shop without paying for them; Greenlifter - a person who takes/lifts plants from secluded...

Jul 8, 20213 min read
The Smash Sparrow campaign and the Great Chinese Famine
My kitchen window opens up to my backyard where there is a Jackfruit tree, a Mango tree, a Coconut tree, a Stone Apple tree and some...

Jul 4, 20213 min read
Homecoming foods
Having spent all of my adult life away from home, my homecoming always seemed like a veritable feast shouting 'Welcome Home' via a meal...

Jul 1, 20212 min read
Jackfruit Fritters-Mood lifter on a rainy evening!
This afternoon K had a rough fall and his 5-year-old nephew instantly shouted: "Chitpotang Aloor Dom" (Chitpotang means falling on the...

Sahana Das
Jun 30, 20212 min read
Nyama Choma – A Delicacy of East Africa
My children sometimes grow tired of eating the normal Bengali cuisine, leading to frequent food-related tantrums at home. The elder one...

Jun 28, 20213 min read
The Marriage Dilemma
'Why is it so difficult to find the right person, who is trustworthy and can connect on an equal level?' asked a young friend of mine...

Jun 24, 20212 min read
The tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris
I have a strange problem. If I go to the movie hall to watch an important movie (not casual movies, I mean) or I read a really profound...
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